Cost of Studying in Germany
Germany is an excellent country, particularly for studens seeking to further their studies in German educational institutions. It has a superb higher education system, study programmes and degrees that are comprehensive and efficient, and the study environment and university amenities are quite comfortable. Because Germany typically provides tuition-free education, the cost of living and studying in Germany is often fairly low.

Tuition Fees
Although undergraduate studies at public German institutions are free, there is a fee per semester for enrolment, confirmation, and administration. This is normally no more than €250 (~RM1272) per semester, however it varies by university.
Private institutions are usually dependent on tuition fees for their funding (though some also receive support from foundations), and set their own fees, which can be anything up to and beyond €25,000 a year (~RM127,124).​
Living Expenses
While many students can study in Germany for free, living expenses are unavoidable. The cost of living in Germany is more expensive in some areas than others – Munich, for example, is considered the most expensive German city to live in, with living costs averaging about €12,000 (~RM61,019) per year. By comparison, the average annual living costs in Germany are around €10,200 (~RM51,891).
Other expenses include:
Groceries - €170 to €200
Clothes - €50 to €70
Telephone, internet and TV license - €35 to €50
Public transport -€100 to €120
Entertainment - €65 to €80
To find living expenses for specific cities in Germany (and compare them to the average costs in your home city) Numbeo is a useful tool.
Note: The costs listed by the university will usually be for an academic year (about 40 weeks), rather than a calendar year, so you will need to budget extra if you want to stay longer.
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Student Accommodation
Students in Germany can pay anywhere from €250 to €750 per month for student accommodation. It all depends on what type of accommodation you decide to rent. Accommodation options for international students in Germany include:
Student Halls of Residence (Dorm Rooms) - €250
Shared Apartments (Flatshares) - €430
Private Accommodation - €750
Other Expenses
Malaysian students need to pay €60 for your student visa, but there are also fee reductions or waivers for Schengen visas. In order to fulfill the visa requirements, you will need to show proof you have, or have access to, around €10,332 per year to cover your living costs.
You will also need health insurance as a pre-condition of registering at a German university. Students should expect to pay around €80 per month to cover this.